
Monday, February 2, 2015

Top 20 Kickass Female Characters in a Sci-Fi Movie/Television Show: Part II

20) Teyla Emmagan from Stargate Atlantis: fearless leader, cultural liaison and Master stick fighter; Teyla uses her skills to fight against the life sucking Wraith.

19 Samantha Carter from Stargate SG1: Carter uses her intellect to explore distant planets with the help of stargates. She can command a room and is the very definition of brains and brawns!

18). Delenn from Babylon 5: Former member of the Gray Counsel, outcast, ambassador, and lover of John Sheridan,
Delenn often puts the well being of others before her own. She is great at rallying the intergalactic community and is often the voice of reason in impossible situations. Her fight against  the evil Shadows is selfless, and she faces adversity admirably.

17) Susan Ivanova from Babylon 5: Ivanova does not play around, a quality that is needed when charged with protecting the lives of thousands of aliens and humans alike. She punches guys out, flies space ships and imparts Russian wisdom to those needing guidance. 

16). Jadzia Dax from Deep Space 9: A faithful member of Starfleet, Dax shares her body with an ancient and wise symbiote who imparts her with knowledge and life experiences beyond her years. Lovingly referred to as "Old Man" by her Commander, Dax sports cool spots, makes love to Klingons and is loyal as hell. Uh, huh!

15). Ma Ma Madrigal from Dredd: This former prostitute literally chewed her way to the top of thugery! The vicious and calculating Drug Lord of Judge Dredd's dystopic world, Ma Ma is an executor of fear. Madrigal is the new face of villainy.

14). Aeryn Sun from Farscape: She can rock a leather outfit, kickass like a pro, set John Crichton's loins on fire while avoiding demise as a deserting Peacekeeper.

13). Black Widow from the Avengers: Master Assasin and red headed beauty, the Black Widow can take a beating, but she's even better at dishing them out! Her skills in espionage are legendary and her ability to extract information from enemies is outer worldly (she even got info out of Loki). What can I say...she rocks!

12). Leela from Futurama: A single eye, fabulous purple hair...flies a spaceship like a demon...yep.

11). Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games: This power house is masterful with a bow, passionate about family and literally leads a revolution.

10). Irisa from Defiance: Born of an Earth that serves as a community to humans and aliens alike, Irisa is a knife throwing, vision having, super alien carrying harbinger.

9) Stahma Tarr from Defiance: Her thirst for power and cunning mind allowed her to usurp her Castithan husband, running the family business in the name of her son. Can you say intergalactic mob wife?

8). Allison Blake from Eureka: One of the greatest minds in America's smartest towns, Blake can talk theoretical physics, travel through time, all while carrying on one of the sweetest romances on television.

7). Jo Lupo from Eureka: This lady means business! An excellent shot who believes in upholding the law, even if it means arresting her criminal, genius lover, Zane, Lupo is a true cop. She's always up for a challenge, especially if it means protecting the citizens of Eureka from their own genius.

6). Sarah Manning from Orphan Black: It's not every day that a girl finds out that she's a clone, which is exactly what Sarah figures out in Orphan Black. When people try to kill her for this fact, it's either die or team up with badass versions of herself. 

5). Mary Embrey from Hancock: One of the most heroic things in the world is letting someone you love go, especially if it's for ther own safety. Embrey does exactly that, sacrificing true love and the use of her super powers for the man she loves (Hancock). 

5). Imprator Furiosa from Mad Max Fury Road: Though this movie has yet to open, it's previews imply that Furiosa is a force to be reckoned with! Sand, exploding vehicles with metal Mohawks, gears and gas, insane men and Cotten covered desert nymphs in the quest for water and freedom, and Mad Max with Furiosa in the lead...Hell Yeah!

3). Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy: Often misunderstood, this green goddess of an assassin is the adopted daughter of Thanos and hangs out with a group of quirky heroes. And she's green...really green...

2). Ryan Stone from Gravity: Stone reminds us that keeping a clear head and utilizing science is probably the best resources you have if you happen to be drifting through space in a space suit.

1). Rita Vrataski aka "Full Metal Bitch" from The Edge of Tomorrow: Her title in itself pushed her to the top of this list, along with the fact that she wields a massive, alien slaying sword, murders her immortal comrade everyday without blinking an eye, and glares into the face of certain demise without fear or regret. Yep, she's full metal!

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