
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Mars One Mission Candidate Roster

In case you haven't heard, a private space exploratory firm is prepping to colonize Mars. That's right, Mars One has begun the strenuous process of screening and training potential candidates for the Mars  mission. This hugely costly endeavor, which aims to have people living on the red planet by 2022, is being privately funded by space enthusiasts. Additional funding will be powered by the mission itself as a reality television show. Instead of millions of viewers tuning in to watch Keeping up with the Kardasians, the people of Earth will watch colonists fighting to survive in a harsh and unforgiving climate. The ethics behind the reality show hasn't really been flushed out, but it's potential to bring in unlimited monies is probable, especially since the whole world will be curious to see whether or not life on Mars is even viable.

What kind of person is willing to be part of this ultimate experiment, to live the rest of their days off planet? Scientists? Space hermits? Lunatics? The answer is probably a combination of these three types of individuals, just add a couple of drops of early earth seafarer gene, gusto and suicidal tendencies, and there you have it; a proper space explorer/Mars' colonist. 

 Mars colonists will also have to be somewhat sound of mind as they will have to be cooped up for seven months in a tiny tin can, on a one way ticket to the space equivalent of Death Valley. To most people, this sounds scary as shit, yet over 70,000 individuals gladly volunteered for the mission. Out of these 70,000 potential colonists, Mars One selected 100 candidates for the mission. The candidates consists of 50 men and 50 women, of varying ethnic backgrounds and ages, with scientific specialties ranging from geography to electrochemistry. 

 Are these people brave scientists or just crazed, space crackpots who have delusions of grandeur? Or perhaps they are answering David Quaid's call to, "...get your ass to Mars," because they forgot to take their meds? Check out the list of candidates and let us know what you think: Mars One Candidate

Check out their original recruiting video below:

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