
Sunday, January 18, 2015

Little Boy Sings the Ballad of Earendil

One of the most rewarding things about parenting is sharing things you like with your children. In our household, we share our love of fantasy and science fiction with our two sons. My husband got the idea to start singing songs from fantasy books to our children as lullabies. My eldest son's (he is four years old) current favorite is Earendil the Mariner from The Lord of the Rings. The song occurs in the Fellowship of the Rings (as sung by Bilbo Baggins), but the actual story of Earendil occurs in the Silmarillion, both of which were written by JRR Tolkien. When sung in its entirety, the song is about seven minutes long and chronicles Earendil's journey from MiddleEarth to Aman, to enlist the aid of the Valar (demigods) in the war against Morgath.

Check out our son singing the first few verses of Earendil the Mariner:

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