
Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Sci-Fi Actors We Want To See More of: Tahmoh Penikett

Actor Tahmoh Penikett. SFA does not own this image.

Tahmoh Penikett makes magic, quite literally, when it comes to science fiction. As Karl "Helo" Agathon on Battlestar Gallactica, he delivered both intensity and loyalty to the warrior dad, resulting in fangirls sighing everywhere.

Penikett physically dominates the screen with his muscled 6' 2" frame, and often utilizes his skills in Muay Thai during action sequences. Born in Whitehorse, Yukon, Penikett is the son of Lulla Sierra Johns of the White River First Nation, and Tony Penikett, a former Canadian politician. 

Tahmoh's acting career has been sci-fi heavy, resulting in a pretty impressive resume that any nerd would love. Here's a little rundown on his work in the genre. In 2002, he got his first taste of sci-fi with brief cameos on Stargate SG-1. He then spent the next few years on cop shows, before wandering back to our favorite genre, with roles on Supernatural, Dollhouse, Starcrossed and Continuum. He's currently working on a fantasy web series entitled, Riftworld Chronicles, where he plays a Mage transported to our dimension.

Penikett is a veteran when it comes to sci-fi, and it would be great to see more of him in the genre, perhaps on the silver-screen in something epic, like Ridley Scott's sequel to Prometheus. Penikett has proven that he can do sci-fi action, and has an intensity that is both raw and intriguing; a quality that would make for an interesting villain or hero. If there's ever a steampunk/action film or show, we nominate Penikett for the starring role, 'cause he's AWESOME! Besides, any actor that can do both Muay Thai and contemplate space travel  (check out his Twitter) in the same breath is a superstar in our book.

The writers of SFA

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