
Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Last Man on Earth is Pretty Darn Hilarious

Margarita Pool
I'm not too big on comedies. Sure, I like a good laugh now and again, but it's a rare occasion for me to actively seek out a comedy.  Unless its an unconventional comedy, like Shawn of the Dead, or Zombieland. I like my comedy dark, somewhat post apocalyptic, or reeking of sci-fi (something like Galaxy Quest is right up my alley). That's why when I heard that Will Forte (Saturday Night Live) co-created a post apocalyptic comedy, "The Last Man on Earth," I was intrigued.

I watched the show's first two episodes,  and I have to say, its fricking hilarious![Warning, SOME SPOILERS] Forte plays the "last man" and entertains as a bearded, horny, margarita drinking, pool pooping dude with a crush on a hot mannequin. At first, he makes the best of his situation, doing what ever he pleases when ever he please. Most of the first episode has Forte sporting a striped pair of boxers and shooting glass windows out of stores (an easy way to access buildings for food). As time goes on, his antics aren't as fun, and he longs for the companionship of a woman (he promises to never complain again if God provides him with a lady friend). And sure enough, right before he gives up all hope, Carol appears, except she isn't the woman he envisioned for himself. I don't want to say anything else about the show, as it really should be watched in order to be fully appreciated. I'll just say that one of the best scenes involves tomatoes. Yes, tomatoes. Check out the show here and let me know what you think. Cheers!

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